Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day at the Beach.

So yesterday we went to the beach (Point Pleasant), and by we I mean the kids, myself and my sister Cindy. Curt had to work. People might have thought us crazy given the weather report for the day, but if you looked closely at the weather radar it showed that down south they weren't going to get rain! And it was right! We had mostly cloudy weather but it was nice to not have to bake in the sun! And we had no traffic going down (and coming back really), we got a great parking spot right next to the beach and bathhouse. The sun did peek out a couple times while we were on the beach. And the water was not too cold, but the waves were a little rough. There was that once in a while big one. The kids both had a great time digging in the sand and Tyler loved getting splashed by the waves, Emily, not so much.

The great thing about Point Pleasant, there was also a boardwalk with rides, games, food and even an aquarium. By the time we decided to leave the beach and head to the boardwalk, the sky completely cleared and the sun was shining! But that made it alittle hot on the boardwalk! Tyler decided that he like roller coasters and went on it three times!

Emily went on the Merry-go-round twice,

we all rode the train and another spinning ride and the a couple other kid rides. They had a great time and talked about it all the way back to Cindy's house. Until we hit the monsoon! There was a huge storm moving in as we were nearly to Cindy's house and even Tornado warnings! The wind and rain was crazy but we were so close to her house we kept going. Once there we waited it out, but it actually passed quickly. Then after a quick bath for the kids and shower for me, we left for home. They both stayed awake for about half they way home and then Emily passed out and stayed out. Tyler woke briefly but went right to bed when we got home. Needless to say they were tired!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

little update...

it's been a while since I wrote anything, so here is a little update on what we've been up to. This whole week (minus Tuesday when we spent the day with Cindy) we went to Vacation Bible School at our church. The kids each had a class and I had a class! They did a Bible study/cooking class for mom's. It was really fun and I'm glad I went. The kids had fun as well. Emily did good with her potty training there until the last day and then she had an accident. She still a little slow getting to the potty when she has to pee. Getting to VBS everyday was a little tough because it started at 9am and most days I had to do the barn before we went. The one day I just fed and turned out and then did the stalls when we got back around 1pm. So it was a long and busy week and when Saturday came around we didn't go anywhere! Well, Curt had to work but the kids and I didn't do much. When we went to the barn in the afternoon, I put the kids in their bathing suits and let them play with the hose in the washstall. It's just been so hot and this keeps them happy and cool while I do the barn. We also had put the horses out for half a day and then gave them all baths to cool them off when they came in. Tyler even helps with the hosing of the horses. Then for dinner I wanted to make a Quiche from a recipe I got at VBS, and I was even putting in onions! Which I would never do but when I had it at VBS I thought it tasted great. Well, I should have left them out! It was too much onion for me, maybe I just didn't chop it fine enough. It tasted good, I just don't like the "crunch" of the onion! And then today the kids and I went to church and while Curt did the barn for me and then just hung out for the rest of the day. Tomorrow it is back to swimming lessons! So more running around for two weeks and we still want to get to the ocean and a water park before summer is over!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Good and Bad days

Yesterday the kids were out of control, hyper, cranky, etc... Today was much better! We had church in the morning (after the barn chores) maybe that is why?! Then we had lunch and they played nicely inside for a while then we went back to the barn, where there was on little melt down. Emily likes to drive now and she likes Tyler's quad! So she wanted to ride it and then because she was riding it HE wanted it! So after a little melt down we were able to take turns and share. We finished the barn a little early and then we went to A&P. I was dreading it, because to go with both of them is not easy! But they wanted to use one of the big shopping carts with the seats, so I threatened that if they didn't use the seats (which they do to me all the time) that I would leave them in the store to go back and get a regular cart (which of course I wouldn't do, tempting as it might be) and that worked. Plus Tyler wanted a sugar cookie from the bakery which he knew he had to behave for, and he did! So we managed a big food shopping with no problems. Then home for a quick dinner and THEN we made 6 loaves of Zucchini bread and 24 muffins! Sounds crazy, but we wanted to use up the three zucchinis we got from my Mom's garden and we had one from ours that was getting to big to leave any longer. Tyler again, was a big help. He helped me get all the stuff out, helped peel the zucchinis, and helped do most of the mixing! They both got one slice before bed and they loved it! It was the only vegatables they got all day!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Trying to beat the heat.

Today was another HOT day, so after doing the barn and several meltdowns (both the kids and me!) we went to the lake! We like going to High Point State Park for Lake Marcia. It is close, cheap and very nice. It wasn't very crowded and the water was so warm it felt like a bath! It was Tyler's first time back to the lake since swimming lessons and using goggles. He wasn't sure he wanted to go under at first but then he loved it. He liked looking for rocks on the bottom. He was also doing great swimming. But one time he had his sunglasses on and he forgot and dove in for a swim! Of course he wasn't too happy but he got over it real quick and went right back to swimming. Emily was loving the warm water too, she keep walking in deeper then she ever has and she didn't want to get out!

P.S. HAppy Anniversary to Grandma and Grandpa Cooper!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

My Sister and I took the kids to their first live Fireworks show (Curt had to work). We brought headphones for them both because I remember being scared of the loud booms when I was a kid. But they didn't need them, they loved it! They were very excited and talking nonstop during the whole thing! They were a little loud! People around us probably could have used some earphones! Emily kepts saying how beautiful it was! And she was right!

Friday, July 2, 2010

So long Diaper Genie!

Can't say I'll miss you! Emily has been wearing underwear all day everday for the last week. She just wears a pull-up at night, but today she managed to keep it dry! So we got rid of the Diaper Genie! She still has some wet accidents here and there but over all she is doing very well. We have made it a joke that I whistle when she has to sit on the potty to pee. (That is what they do with race horses and show horses in order to get them to basically "pee on command" for drug testing) It seems to work every time with Emily so when you see her don't whistle, unless she is on the potty!