Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Friday, August 6, 2010

Busy few days and fun filled...

but now I am soooooo tired!!!! So lets start with Wednesday. Cindy and I took the kids to the Land of Make Beleive in Hope NJ (about an hour away). It was great!!! It is a small amusement/water park. They are really geared toward younger kids. We spent a lot of time in the water park side of things. They have a huge wading pool (the water is only about a foot deep) and it is full of small slides for the kids with padded landings. We started there and Tyler went down a bunch of slides, and Emily tried two. But both went a little to fast for her and she nearly went under both times so she wasn't looking to do anymore! Then we went in the "lazy river" which is a big river like pool that you just float around on a tube in. We all like that, Cindy and Tyler went in a double tube and Emily would ride on my lap or Cindy's. Later Tyler even went in a single tube. It was very slow moving but nice. Then we went to look at all the water slides and Tyler did want to go on them. So I stayed with Em and Cindy took Tyler, she came back a little while later and said that when they first got to the top Tyler changed his mind and didn't want to do it!! But with some prodding she got him to go and then he LOVED it!!! He went down three different slides over and over again! Sometimes with Cindy and sometimes with me. At one point when Tyler came back and we decided to take a break in the lazy river, Emily kept hugging him because she missed him!! She had spent her time with either me or Cindy just sitting it the wading pool. They also had a big fort with water pouring off it all over that the kids could climb and spray or dump water on each other. Oh, and it had a huge bucket on top that would dump on everyone. After lunch we went on some of the amusement rides (you just pay to get in and do all the rides and water slides as much as you want). Tyler did several differnt rides and Emily tried a few but really just wanted to do the merry-go-round over and over. So that was Wednesday!

Thursday we set aside for a Sussex County Fair tradition, the pre-fair Elephant swim. Every year on the day before the fair, Beulah, the Elephant from the petting zoo, Elephant/Camel rides, gets to take a dip in the pond at the fair entrance. She took a while to get in but then she was splashing, dunking and even started swimming toward the middle of the pond!

Friday, Cindy and I took the kids to the opening day of the Sussex County Fair! We got the kids wrist bands so they could go on all the rides they wanted. Tyler got his money's worth! He even went on the roller coasters by himself!

Emily went on a few rides, some she liked (the merry-go-round, surprise, surprise) some she didn't (the swings). But they were troopers, we were at the fair from about 11am until after 5pm! It was a long dayand a lot of walking. We went all over the fairgrounds and even did the ferris wheel.

So now I think we need to do nothing for a few days!

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