Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Friday, September 24, 2010

Like Emily's outfit?

She was playing horsey, her pony tail was her mane and she tucked her night gown/dress (it's really a dress but she likes to wear it as a nightgown)into her shiny underwear and also a furry cat tail from halloween as her horse tail. She didn't want me to get a picture, hence her running away from the camera!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I've been a little busy! It's been an adjustment getting use to the new school schedules. Tyler: Full days, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Emily: mornings Wednesday and Thursday. Then add on I am helping out Wednesday and Friday mornings as "before school monitor" at Tyler's school which means we get to school early (8:25) and stay until all 6 buses arrive (about 8:45) and this helps me earn "tuition reduction credits" I can earn up to $300. off. I also helped out for 5 hours at the school's fall festival this past Saturday. And Tyler's class already had a field trip to apple picking and Emily's class has one at the end of the month too! I have two calenders posted with all the stuff I need to remember! Oh and I have to pack lunch for Tyler or send him with a snack and lunch money. Which doesn't sound like a big deal until it's 8:10 and you need to leave the house and realise you haven't made it yet! Tyler hasn't had any real homework yet but I'm sure that is coming! So for my "free" time when both kids are in school? Well if I'm lucky I get about 20 minutes! Because by the time I get both kids to school, if Curt is not home I have horses to do too! It is quiet with Tyler at school all day, and just Emily home. She will play very quietly by herself, but she is usually playing with Tyler's farm set up and of course he can tell when he gets home! So the fighting usually starts soon after!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Emily's First Day!

Emily had a very easy first day. She is so familiar with her school since Tyler just spent the last two years there! She was excited and went right in, but she looked a little lost about what to do when she first went in. She just kind of stood inside the class room with her backpack. I don't think she knew where to put it! Curt picked her up and he said she was all hot from playing out in the playground. And she was happy to show me all the stuff she made when she got back home. Tomorrow will be a bit of a test since she has school and Tyler doesn't!
Today was the first time the were both in school at the same time! Boy was it QUIET!!! And even when it is just Tyler in school it is still peaceful, but when they were both home it was almost instant fighting!! Lately they have been like oil and water and clashing constantly. Tyler was a little upset when I picked him up because he thought Curt was going to pick him up (and then he found out Curt DID pick up Emily so that didn't help!) So they were both fighting for a while this afternoon into evening. They finally settled down when Curt left for work and I turned off the TV and made them do some practice writing letters (and numbers for Tyler). Then I let them do "night check" (looking in on the horses, giving them a slice of hay and shutting barn doors) with me, which always gives them a chance to run around one last time. So they finally settled down and stopped fighting!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Last day of Summer!

Is it really? I'm not sure but that's what everyone says! Today we went to Grandma (& Grandpa) MacMillan's for a BBQ, swimming (very cold) and pony rides! The kids had a great time playing with their cousins and my Aunt's foster kids. They took a little while to warm up to each other but then they were all together playing hide & seek, racing, riding the golf cart and swimming. Emily and Kirsten rode the pony (Poncho) by themselves and did very well!

Of course Emily was riding in a dress!

See ya next year Summer!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Tyler's first full day of school.

Today was Tyler's first full day of "big school"! He was very excited and he was eager to get going.

His teacher said he had a good day only...he got frustrated with his backpack because it is too small. Kindergartners are not allowed to have backpack with wheels (I don't know why) and the school supply list I got said a small book bag. So that is what I got, but now we'll have to get a bigger one. Otherwise he came home with lots to say about his new school and he is looking forward to going back so that is good!

Emily got to see her school too today. She starts next week, so I'll put her first day up then. Until then, here is a shot of her and Bob.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


saw a young girl (teen) at the library today and she goes to me, "Is that girl wearing a bridle?" Me, "No." Emily, "But I see her white straps?!" Me, "You mean 'Bra'!"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tyler's meet the teacher day!

Tyler had his first taste of Kindergarten today. He just had little over an hour with his class and teacher, they had a story and did a small project and then explored their new room. His teacher is really great with the kids and the class is 10 boys and 2 girls!! Big change from pre-school where his first year the girls far out numbered the boys! Last year it was more even and now it is in his favor! He is the tallest but another boy is not far behind. He doesn't stand out as too tall or anything. He never seems to mind anyway, he is used to playing with kids smaller then him. It was a nice surprise to find out that I know two of the mom's from MOPS! And they both have older kids in the school and already know the ins and outs of the school, so I have some one I can go to for questions. Tyler was really great at school sitting quiet and listening and talking when called on. He's definately come a long way from his first year in pre-school. Now for Friday when he has his first FULL day and I have to send him with LUNCH!!!! Also Emily goes to see her class on Friday and "meet" her teachers, even though she already is familar with the teachers and the class from Tyler going there. But she is really looking forward to it being "her" school! And I am looking forward to some peace and quiet for a change!!!! :)