Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I've been a little busy! It's been an adjustment getting use to the new school schedules. Tyler: Full days, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Emily: mornings Wednesday and Thursday. Then add on I am helping out Wednesday and Friday mornings as "before school monitor" at Tyler's school which means we get to school early (8:25) and stay until all 6 buses arrive (about 8:45) and this helps me earn "tuition reduction credits" I can earn up to $300. off. I also helped out for 5 hours at the school's fall festival this past Saturday. And Tyler's class already had a field trip to apple picking and Emily's class has one at the end of the month too! I have two calenders posted with all the stuff I need to remember! Oh and I have to pack lunch for Tyler or send him with a snack and lunch money. Which doesn't sound like a big deal until it's 8:10 and you need to leave the house and realise you haven't made it yet! Tyler hasn't had any real homework yet but I'm sure that is coming! So for my "free" time when both kids are in school? Well if I'm lucky I get about 20 minutes! Because by the time I get both kids to school, if Curt is not home I have horses to do too! It is quiet with Tyler at school all day, and just Emily home. She will play very quietly by herself, but she is usually playing with Tyler's farm set up and of course he can tell when he gets home! So the fighting usually starts soon after!

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