I tried to get a good picture of the kids in front of the tree but they were in no mood to have their picture taken.
My second try
My sister didn't fare much better

Curt really wanted a family picture and that didn't work much either

In the end I setled for just the tree
All in all it was fun, we also went to the Lego store, the M&M store and finally Toys R us and there we took a ride on the indoor Ferris wheel. Then is was back to the subway and trains and then a quick stop at my sister's house to see her tree and use the restroom. We were tired (well Curt and I were anyway, the kids, not so much!) and we stopped for a quick dinner on the way home. It was a long day but it was fun and the kids did pretty well, Tyler only got a little cranky and Emily was very good and she also kept her underwear dry all day. So that was good! :)
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