Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Friday, January 14, 2011


Another long gap between posts! Whats been happening... Emily had "PJ day" at school and that goes against her nature! She normally wants to get out of her PJ's as soon as she is awake! But she got into it and was having fun with it until I picked her up from school and told her we had to go to A&P on the way home. I made the mistake of asking her if she wanted to go in her PJ's or change into clothes. I always have a backpack with her at school and/or in the car with a spare set of clothes. Of course she wanted to get dressed, until she saw what clothes I had! She didn't want THAT shirt or THOSE jeans! Let the meltdown begin! She didn't want the PJ's or the clothes! She wanted me to go home first so she could pick her clothes THEN go to A&P! In the end I just got her to stop crying and we went to A&P in PJ's. She didn't mind then, but she did wonder why no one mentioned that she was in her PJ's!
Lately she has been wearing the same outfit EVERYDAY! Lord help me if it is being washed when she wants to wear it! It is her dark pink Hello Kitty shirt and Hello Kitty Skirt. I'll have to get a picture of the clothes before she wears them out! They are not even new, I don't know why it has suddenly become a favorite! But it is all she wants to wear!
Last night she got out of bed about 20 minutes after I turned out the lights. I was still down stairs and she was at the top of the stairs (I still have a gate up there) calling me. I go up and she asks me if there is a little hole by her nose because it hurts. I see nothing but guess she's been rubbing it on her sleeve and now it's sore. I put her back in bed and give her a pile of tissues on her nightstand. About 5 minutes later she is at the top of the stairs again calling me. This time just to say it feel better! So I put her back in bed and this time I think that is the end...until 3:30 in the morning when she wakes me up by saying "Mommy" right next to my bed! This time she has no real reason to be up (sleepwalking??) I make her take a quick trip to the potty and then back to bed. Now I am lying awake waiting for it to happen again! Thankfully it doesn't and I hope it doesn't happen tonight!

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