Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Break

We've been trying to keep busy. We started out by going to my parents small farm on Monday.

Then Tuesday the kids went to Curt's parents (while I went food shopping in peace)and they dyed Easter eggs. After that we went to the Library. Wednesday we went to "Touch a Truck" but it was a small gathering of trucks and we didn't stay long because kids kept beeping and honking the truck horns. Tyler and Emily and several other kids walked around with their hands over their ears. Thursday (today) we went to my sisters house and while there we went to her big mall for the Lego store and to look for skinny jeans for Emily. (It's the only thing she wants to wear now! No other jeans will do.) They also have a two story carousel in the mall.

Then from there we went to Van Saun Park/zoo in Paramus. It was so crowed, and mainly with Orthodox Jews. So of course there were questions. Tyler mainly wanted to know why they all were wearing black because it looked hot! We had to wait on a long line for the train and half the zoo was empty! Oh well, it was a day out. Tomorrow we have no plans and maybe we'll just stay home. Saturday we have an egg hunt and cartoon at church and then Sunday is Easter!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that one night they made a "spider web"! They actually
made it together and got along great, so what ever keeps the peace!

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