Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Okay, finally an update!

A lot has happened since my last update but I probably can't remember it all so I'm just going to start fresh. Oh, but first I want to say Rest in Peace to Brother. One of our barn cats got hit by a car about a month ago (right in front of us, and the people didn't even stop!)

He was a shy cat but always friendly with me and he had finally warmed up to the kids and was letting them pet him and Emily could even pick him up. It was very sad, he didn't die instantly and we were about to get in the car to go to the vet when he died in my arms. We still have his sister and thankfully she has always been smarter then him about the road and hopefully she will always be.
An now for what is happening well, now! The kids have a pony! A friend I reconnected with on Facebook had a pony she was looking to give away to a good home. He is a large pony that was a rescue from a horse auction and he still needs more training. My kids are not really ready to be riding on their own yet, so hopefully when they are ready, the pony will be too! He isn't completely green he just needs to know that he doesn't have to worry. And he needs work on his canter. But my kids are far from cantering anyhow! The kids already love him and Tyler made a picture to hang on his stall. And it is funny I wanted to get it because I thought Emily was really showing the interest in riding. And she is, but Tyler is the one who really wants to do things with the pony. He cleans the stall, picks his feet, brushed him and gave him a bath. He really wants to lead him by himself but we need to let the pony settle in a bit more. His name is Killian and he really is sweet with the kids. I just hope they don't pester him too much!

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