Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Monday, June 27, 2011

What a day...

it didn't start off too good. We found an injured deer and of course Curt was at work. I had to make several phone calls to even figure out what to do. I called, Curt, Animal Control and then the State Police! The poor thing was just off our path to the ring and paddocks. And I was in a rush to get the horses turned out and the barn done before taking the kids to the first day of swimming lessons. I managed to get the horses turned out by taking them one by one down the path, nobody even spooked and the deer stayed still when ever I passed with a horse. I waited until the Police got here to put the colt out because he would be nearest the deer and I knew he was going to be shot. The kids took it pretty well, but while all this was going on we were looking for our barn cat, Sweet Pea. She normally greets us every morning and when she didn't today I was worried. We have a family of foxes that have been taking out a bunch of chickens and other small animals. But thankfully she DID show up, even if she was a little late for breakfast!
Then it was on to swimming lessons! We were a little late and I never did get the barn work done before I left. The kids did really well, the started off right where they left off last year and even a little better. I think they should do really well this year and they both really love going. Oh, and an added plus, they swim at the same time! Last year they had to sit and watch each other and that made the lessons seem really long! Today the class seemed to fly!
I have to pack lunch because when they get out of swimming lessons they are starving! So we eat in the car on the way home! Then on to the library to sign up for the summer reading program (Tyler won a free ticket to the fair last year!). Next home for a little down time and then BACK to the barn to finish up the stalls and get the horses in a little early. We drove Kirsten (my brother' youngest) to Grandma and Grandpa MacMillan's and we stayed for swimming and Pizza! Tyler and Emily had a great time playing with Kirsten (I hope she had fun too!) Emily didn't even want to leave! I think if she could, she would have stayed too since Kirsten was there! Oh and Kirsten brought her hermit crab with her or as Emily would say her "herman" crab!

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