Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fun in the HOT, HOT sun!

It's been a hot few days and tomorrow isn't going to be any better! But we've been staying cool. Yesterday we went back to the lake at High Point State Park.

Emily had great fun running in and out of the lake about a thousand times.

They still didn't make it to the top of the monument however. It was closed for the day by the time we got up there.
When we got home the kids wanted to show Aunt Cindy how they can ride their pony. But they didn't want to get dressed since it was so hot so they rode in their bathing suits. They have yet to ride in proper clothes!

Emily has been obsessed with "the Black Stallion" and she wanted to re-enact a scene...

Tyler had his turn too...

Now today we went to the Land of Make Believe and it was great! The perfect day for it too, it was sooooo HOT!!! We had a large group of family and friends that made it even more fun. Tyler was on the water slides nonstop! He never even went on the other rides.

Emily wasn't really ready for the water slides and she went in the wading pool, the lazy river and she went on the "dry" rides (Merry go round and stuff like that). You really needed to stay wet though and by the end of the day we got Emily on the big water slides and she loved it!! She went once with me and once with Cindy and the rest of the time she went with her idol, her cousin Kaitlyn! She went as many times as she could fit in before they closed the slides for the day!

Photo credit to my sister Cindy! :)

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