Emily has been asking for real riding clothes. We were in the area of a large tack shop that I knew had a large second hand section, so we went. It is not close to us and since we were there I had to get her stuff! It was cheap and in great condition and they had everything she needed in her size.
She of course LOVES her clothes!
She tried them on when we got home that night and she asked to sleep in them!! (I didn't let her) Then she wanted to wear it to the barn the next morning, again I had to say no. She can't keep anything clean! I should have bought a pair of "every day" britches! She really wants to do a horse show now too! So we are looking into going to a local show for leadline and see if the pony will mind. We don't know if he's ever been to a show or if it will freak him out. He has been so good for the kids I hope that he'll be his same calm self.
So anyway I did let Emily get dressed in all her stuff to ride in the afternoon. She didn't care it was hot she wanted everything on! She still wants to wear the britches in the house, so thankfully they are machine washable!
Tyler says he would like to show next year! So I still have time to get him clothes, but he really has a good relationship with the pony. The other day when Emily got all dressed up to ride, Grandma and Grandpa Cooper came to see them ride. Tyler was in his usually attire, shorts and crocks!
But he is really getting better in his riding and he loves to work around Killian and feed and take care of him. So when we were walking up from the ring, Emily wanted to lead him up and I helped her and Tyler was behind us with Grandma and Grandpa, but Killian kept stopping and looking behind him. I said to Tyler that Killian was waiting for him. So after the second time it happened Tyler caught up to us and went in front of him and Killian never looked back! It was really cute, like he didn't know why Tyler wasn't with us.
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