Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Monday, June 28, 2010

And the results...

I'll have to get a better shot, but you can see it wasn't too bad. Emily also had a great swimming lesson today. She was actually trying to kick and paddle and blow bubbles and dancing all around and very happy then to top it all off she went under water! I don't know if she knew it was coming (although the teacher yelled over to me, "Can Emily go under today?" and I said yes, I don't know if Emily was paying attention). She looked shocked and it could have gone either way. I tried to make a big deal about how happy I was she did it because otherwise she might have cried! But she came over to me and said she kept her eyes open under water and "it didn't even sting". So the true test will be how she is tomorrow! Tyler had a great weekend of swimming (Friday at Grandma MacMillan's, Saturday at his cousins and then Sunday again at Grandma MacMillan's). He spent the majority of his time in the pool. He was even swimming under water. But today in his lesson he was a little backed off to do any of the swimming with out a noodle of float. But I'm sure he'll be even better tomorrow. He really loves the water!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

To stitch or not to stitch...

that was a question today! Emily some how got bit by Spencer when I was around the corner this morning. But the mark was a small slit, not what you would expect for a bite. When I first saw it I thought it might need a stitch, but then I thought it didn't look that bad and we just cleaned it up and put a band aid on it. Then we went to swimming lessons. Emily was a little teary and looking at me a bit, so I had to pretend I wasn't watching. She did just about everything she was asked to do though. Tyler was doing great and then he took in a mouth full of water and nearly threw up (but he didn't) and then he got right back in and right back under the water. Oh and we got goggles for today too! Then when we stopped at A&P on the way home I noticed Emily's band aid was full of blood so I took it off and her cut had opened up again. This time I knew we had to see the doctor. So when I called to make an appointment they said if it needed a stitch, that she would have to go to the ER because they don't do stitches. But they would looked at her if I wanted because if not stitches they could put on a Steri-strips bandage to keep it closed. Well first they started telling me she needed to see a plastic surgeon!! I was not thrilled by that! So after two doctors looked at her and a phone call to a plastic surgeon, we got the steri-strips! But now she has to keep it dry for 5 days! We are still going to try swimming lessons tomorrow because then she is done for the week and Monday (when lessons start again) is when they can come off. And besides she doesn't go under. I am going to put something over the area to help keep it from getting splashed. But we are postponing Fridays trip to the water park. Hopefully it will heal well, but it is close enough to her hairline, I don't think it will be an issue. Pictures to follow...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Swimming Lessons!

Today was day number one of swimming lessons. We got there early so we could see what the lessons were going to be like, which I think was a good thing for Tyler but it made a long wait for Emily. She had to sit through Tyler's class and was starting to fade. She started saying she didn't want to do it. Tyler meanwhile was doing great. He was one of three kids in his group (they pair three to four kids with one instructor) they did alot of stuff in half and hour. He started with putting his head completely under 5 times! Then the did floating, kicking, kick boards and other stuff. He really did great and I even think he opened his eyes under water. When Emily's turn came she got the same instructor as Tyler, so I think she liked that. Her class did a lot too to get them used to being in the water. Emily looked grumpy for a while and got a little teary once but then she started to smile and enjoy it. Hopefully she be looking forward to it tomorrow!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Sometimes I really want to strangle them!! They fight and bicker like crazy one minute and then the next minute they can be best friends! Today they were fighting while I did the barn, but then were so good while I ran to town and did errands. Next we had to bring the horses back in (too hot and buggy) then it was on to Lake Marcia at High Point State Park. This was the first time I went with them by myself and not meeting anyone there. They were very good and had a great time playing with some other kids. The water was a little cold but you could get used to it. We left cooled off and refreshed, but it didn't last long! Curt called us on the way home to say that there was some hay bales out in the field. He wanted me to just make a pile and he would get them tomorrow, but I always fear a thunderstorm. So with two kids in tow I went out to the hay field with the tractor and made a pile. And it was hot out in the field and it took about 5 trips. Then we went to get the pick up and piled it all in to take back to the barn. Tyler was a big help loading and unloading the hay, he'll be a fine worker one day! So then of course we were hot and tired and dirty again! But a bath for them and a shower for me and we were good as new.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Well, the kids decided to do haircuts today. The casualties? Emily and Rafiki! I was doing the stalls and the kids were playing and Tyler has the scissors to cut some baling twine, but then I took them and put them back. Next thing I know he has them again and he is telling me Emily cut her hair! Luckily she didn't do much damage just cut an inch off one small section and you don't even notice it. But I didn't find out about Rafiki until much later! I was going to bring him in and I looked down by the gate and I could she a clump of cut white hair! So I asked Emily if they gave Rafiki a haircut and she said, "Yeah, Tyler did"!!

Poor Rafiki! But better him then Emily!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tyler's dream day!

Today was a great day for Tyler (but Emily had fun too). First we went to a Tractor trailer show at the fairgrounds, where they had not only tractor trailers, but remote control tractor trailers and huge bouncy slides for the kids.

They went up and over the slides and so many times we lost count! These pictures were from the biggest one, which was very high! I was surprised that they both did it and they did it twice! We had lunch there (cheese sticks, Tyler's favorite) and then one more look at the toy remote tractor trailers and slides. We stopped at Dairy Queen before we went to our next stop, a garage sale/flea market where he got a box full of to for $2. And then a stop at Newton Day, where we saw lots of dogs and even a cat in a stroller! We went in the little Fire House Museum and the kids got a little activity bag (coloring book, crayons, stickers). Then home to play with the new toys and finally dinner at TJ's Pizza!

P.S. emily picked out an unusual outfit for the day, she picked everything, from the shirt, skirt, leggings, socks and shoes!

Click on any picture for an up close look.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Tyler is an official Pre-School Graduate! He didn't want to participate much in the ceremony (singing songs and that kind of stuff) maybe Emily will be more of a performer next year. Tyler is more then ready for Kindergarten and next year Emily gets to start Pre-School too. So Tyler still has three days of school left before the year is over and then we start swimming lessons on the 21st!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time to make the Hay.

Curt has been busy trying to get hay in while also getting about 40 horses moved to a horse show. Plus the hay got rained on, but not alot thank goodness! I was very sad to read the paper this morning and to hear that one of the guys, from the dairy farm we work with, had a fatal accident. Apparently he was cutting a hilly hay field when the tractor tipped over on him. So sad, they are such a hard working family and they already have some struggles they were dealing with. But I think they are Christians so I hope that gives them some comfort. Tyler is wishing he could be out there making the hay and is forever watching for "Edwards" to go by to see what he is doing. He also is always checking out any and every farm crop we pass. But after this tragedy it makes me want to keep him off the tractor. On a lighter note, Emily is growing up! Every night I read to the kids in Tyler's bed and I usually have to wait until Emily falls asleep and then move her to her own bed. Or I would have to take her to my bed and keep the lights out and just lay with her until she would go out, and then move her. Well, she finally has started just going into her own bed after the stories, like Tyler, and I just turn out the lights and say goodnight and they both just go to sleep!! Sweet!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weird weather

Today was a strange one. The day started off looking gloomy, like it would rain at any minute. But by the time we got home from church it still had not rained! But it still looked like it would and finally it did around 2:30. Then it poured and got really windy for about 5 minutes and then that was it!!!! All that for 5 minutes? They even gave us a tornado warning or watch, I forget which is which but we had the lesser of the two. But when it was over the sky cleared and it was sunny! Just when you thought the weather was settled it got really windy again and it actually felt chilly! The weather didn't stop the kids, they wanted to be outside (except when it was pouring) until 6pm then I finally got them in because I was getting cold! They settled nicely tonight, Tyler was happy watching Toy Story 2 on DVD and Emily fell asleep on the couch by 8pm...nice!

*this picture is from a while ago and would be really cute without the tick bite on her neck!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Busy morning..

and it was HOT! This morning we had a lot to do. First we had to get the barn done and then it was a quick stop at the bank and gas station then on to the YMCA. Tyler had a "swim assessment" to see what level swimming class he would be in. He was shy but answered the lifeguard when she asked his name and how old he was. He went right in the pool with her and listened to what she was saying. Then when it was time to go under he went right under with out holding his nose! So he is a "Polliwog"! Whatever that means! Emily will do a pre-swim lesson group, called "Pre-Pike". She will just play by the stairs in the pool because that is the only place where the water won't be over her head! But now they are signed up they can go there on other days for free swimming too. They start the lessons on June 21 (Monday through Thursday) for two weeks. Then we can see where he is at and they do two more two week sessions during the summer. After that we went to a small flea market and the kids picked out some toys then just when we couldn't take the heat anymore it was time for free ice cream at Friendly's! They were doing some sort of promotion and were giving out a scoop (any flavor) in a cone or a cup. So we got three cups of Forbidden Chocolate and I'll tell you, they gave us way more then a single scoop! And it was free!! It was great! Then we just stayed home the rest of the day trying to stay cool in the shade when outside or in the a/c inside!