Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time to make the Hay.

Curt has been busy trying to get hay in while also getting about 40 horses moved to a horse show. Plus the hay got rained on, but not alot thank goodness! I was very sad to read the paper this morning and to hear that one of the guys, from the dairy farm we work with, had a fatal accident. Apparently he was cutting a hilly hay field when the tractor tipped over on him. So sad, they are such a hard working family and they already have some struggles they were dealing with. But I think they are Christians so I hope that gives them some comfort. Tyler is wishing he could be out there making the hay and is forever watching for "Edwards" to go by to see what he is doing. He also is always checking out any and every farm crop we pass. But after this tragedy it makes me want to keep him off the tractor. On a lighter note, Emily is growing up! Every night I read to the kids in Tyler's bed and I usually have to wait until Emily falls asleep and then move her to her own bed. Or I would have to take her to my bed and keep the lights out and just lay with her until she would go out, and then move her. Well, she finally has started just going into her own bed after the stories, like Tyler, and I just turn out the lights and say goodnight and they both just go to sleep!! Sweet!

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