Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Sometimes I really want to strangle them!! They fight and bicker like crazy one minute and then the next minute they can be best friends! Today they were fighting while I did the barn, but then were so good while I ran to town and did errands. Next we had to bring the horses back in (too hot and buggy) then it was on to Lake Marcia at High Point State Park. This was the first time I went with them by myself and not meeting anyone there. They were very good and had a great time playing with some other kids. The water was a little cold but you could get used to it. We left cooled off and refreshed, but it didn't last long! Curt called us on the way home to say that there was some hay bales out in the field. He wanted me to just make a pile and he would get them tomorrow, but I always fear a thunderstorm. So with two kids in tow I went out to the hay field with the tractor and made a pile. And it was hot out in the field and it took about 5 trips. Then we went to get the pick up and piled it all in to take back to the barn. Tyler was a big help loading and unloading the hay, he'll be a fine worker one day! So then of course we were hot and tired and dirty again! But a bath for them and a shower for me and we were good as new.

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