Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weird weather

Today was a strange one. The day started off looking gloomy, like it would rain at any minute. But by the time we got home from church it still had not rained! But it still looked like it would and finally it did around 2:30. Then it poured and got really windy for about 5 minutes and then that was it!!!! All that for 5 minutes? They even gave us a tornado warning or watch, I forget which is which but we had the lesser of the two. But when it was over the sky cleared and it was sunny! Just when you thought the weather was settled it got really windy again and it actually felt chilly! The weather didn't stop the kids, they wanted to be outside (except when it was pouring) until 6pm then I finally got them in because I was getting cold! They settled nicely tonight, Tyler was happy watching Toy Story 2 on DVD and Emily fell asleep on the couch by 8pm...nice!

*this picture is from a while ago and would be really cute without the tick bite on her neck!!!

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