Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is there a full moon?

Tyler's teachers said the kids were wild this week and I have to say I agree! I just don't know how two kids, who hardly seem to eat (or sleep) can have so much energy!!!! I shouldn't complain though, I put Tyler to work, helping me get stuff out for the garage sale. Give that boy and job to do and he is soo happy! They both slept until, almost 8am again. Actually, only once this week did Emily get up at 6am. Hooray! Today Emily told me about a cat that said, "Meow, in cat language".

Monday, April 26, 2010


Well today we took "Bree" to his new home. He was with us for two years for breaking in, and now he was ready for some "real" training! So we took him to a barn where they are going give him more experience and start him over fences.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rainy day

So today Tyler started out with a sore throat and was a little on the quiet side (nice!) and Emily was fine. We went to the mall with my sister to get them out for a bit and they both had moments of cranky. When we got home we just hung out in the house for a little while before going to finish up the barn chores for the afternoon. Curt had done the morning for me since both sets of barn boots were left out and were soaking wet! So I did the barn for Curt and Cindy and the kids came down to run around. Here is what Emily wore to the barn:

And this is not unusual attire for her, even in the barn!
Anyway, Tyler off and on said his throat hurt but after dinner he seemed normal. As soon as my sister left Emily however, had a constant runny nose and watery eyes until she fell asleep. I hope she will sleep alright so I can sleep alright! She has still been sleeping until at least 7am. I can live with that. Curt has to work all night again so hopefully he'll get a nap somewhere. I don't know how he does it. But then again, He doesn't know how I deal with the kids all day and night like I do! LOL!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A first for the kids...

a chocolate milkshake! Emily, "I love this!". Tyler, "Next time we eat at Burger King, I'm getting this again!" (We got it at Burger King) It really is a good way to give them ice cream, there is no mess!! Emily only ate half, so I got the rest! Tyler, of course, drank it all!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I hope I don't Jinx myself!

But since I last said Emily has been getting up at 6am, things got better! The very next day she slept until 7am, then the following day 7:30. Then today, I had to wake her and Tyler up at 8am so we could get to MOPS (Mother's Of PreSchoolers) group on time. So I hope this doesn't mean she'll get up at 5:30 tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Okay so whats been going on...

I've been a little preoccupied with a friends plight over in Switzerland. McLain Ward was showing in a big International event, was favored to win and half way through was doing just that. But then the powers that be decided to disqualify him for a bogus call and don't allow an appeal! It's a big mess and I've been following it online and also debating the issue on a few websites. If you google "McLain Ward" and click news it will all come up.
Then during all this Casino (my old guy who's picture is on here at the top) has been sick. Well he's had a temperature and no other symptoms. So I've been keeping an eye on his temp and giving him meds. I think he is finally over what ever it was but I am still keeping him on meds for a few days.
Now for the kids, I created a monster with Tyler and the blower. He was playing with a small plug in fan blowing the barn out and then I told him to try the plug in blower because it isn't much louder then that. Well now that is all he wants to do! The good news: I don't have to do the blower and wears ear protection. The bad news: He's not very skilled at getting the barn clean and he wants to use it constantly! The noise is a bit annoying!!
Emily has been on a strict 6am wake up call, and it's getting old! I don't why she wants to get up that early! Usually the days I need her to get up early she wants to sleep in!
Tyler's done some nice pictures in school lately here are a couple:

I've been a little preoccupied...

I will update later.

Friday, April 16, 2010

And so it begins in preschool!

This is the first (of many,I'm sure) fad that my kids will be begging me for. Tyler came home the other day and said he was the only one in his class that didn't have "those shape arm things". The brand name is "Silly Bandz" and there are several others, they are basically little rubber band like bracelets that when they are not on your wrist they are the shape of animals, cars, sports, or anything you can think of. So we went out to day to get some. Emily chose "Spring" Silly Bandz, with the shapes: chick, umbrella, tulip, kite, etc. Tyler chose "Dogs" and his also glow in the dark. Then we got one small pack of "Farm Animals" which they split. The good news, you get a lot (24 peices) in a pack, but the bad news, Emily already broke at least 4! And they are small and sure to get lost!

On a side note, my old horse Casino is feeling under the weather today. He has had a temperture up and down today and a little off his feed (not eating). I am trying to keep him comfortable with some medicine and hope that he'll pull out of it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tulips or...

Today we were looking at flowers on the way to school and Tyler pointed out some red flowers and I said, "Those are called Tulips and we have some at home." And Tyler goes, "I don't get why they are called "two lips".

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Busy Weekend

It was actually a busy week. Curt had to fly to Florida and drive back, then drive back down and fly back and then fly BACK to Florida and drive back AGAIN! And this was all within seven days! Then Friday (while Curt was actually home) we went up to the annual farm auction to drop a couple things off and look around. Then Saturday, me, my sister and the kids went to a tack sale/open house at another farm, to try and sell some of my stuff. We did okay and made about $94 dollars, but we didn't get a lot of traffic. So we decided to go back today (Sunday) and try again, but we saw even less people and just barely covered our fee. So now I think we will just have our own garage sale one day and I'll put up flyers at some feed stores and horse shows. The kids did well just playing at the farm, because it was basically playing outside all afternoon. It made for a long couple days though.
Oh! And I think I might have broken my nose (for the 4th or 5th time in my life)! We also had the farrier coming today so I had to leave the horses in while I was gone, but I wanted to get a few out while I did the barn in the morning. So when it was time to bring the one young horse in, he was all wound up and the flies were starting to buzz around his face and when I tried to put his halter on he threw his head up and smashed me right in the nose. It stung bad and it was a familar feeling, but not the worst break I ever had. It's a bit swollen and sore. So we'll see if I have a black eye to go with it in the morning.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It was too HOT last night!!

I didn't get much sleep last night. The kids have a fan and with the window open their room wasn't too bad but I didn't have a fan (or so I thought). So around 1am I went down stairs and tried to sleep in the bedroom but I took the baby monitor with me and no long after I was in bed, I heard Emily coughing. Then the next thing I knew I heard their bedroom door rattle. I quick got up stairs because I didn't want Emily to find my bed empty. But I get up there and they are both sound asleep. So I go back downstairs and get in bed, and I am tossing and turning, not comfortable because it isn't my bed, and then I hear the kids door rattle again!! So once again I go back up and the are sound asleep and I think maybe it is one of the cats but it was just the wind. So I fix their door so it can't rattle and then I go back down stairs again! I think I finally sleep a little then I wake up to Emily crying because her diaper is wet, so once again I go back up stairs and sort her out and by this time it is 4am and my room feels a little cooler and my bed feels much more comfortable to me then down stairs! I finally get some real sleep but then Emily gets up at 6:30am!! UGH! Tonight I have a fan, and the weather is supposed to break so now I just hope Emily sleeps late...but not too late we have MOPS tomorrow at 9:30!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wow was it hot today!

It feels more like July then April! The kids and I were outside all day (of course) but we stayed in the shade as much as possible. We had to hose off a bunch of the horses today, since most still have a lot of winter hair left. The kids were red faced and sweaty by the time the barn was done so we went to Friendly's for ice cream...for dinner! Then it was home for a bath. I knew the kids would eat later and they did. Emily wanted dinner when I had some but Tyler was not hungry until about 10 minutes to bed time. But he made himself and sandwich and ate it all. It sure is nice as they are getting older and can do things for themselves!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Going commando?!

we didn't try any potty training today, because we were busy today and she hasn't been doing too good but a friend gave me an idea. Tomorrow we are going to try no diaper and no underwear just a dress for Emily (when we are outside) The idea is that if she doesn't have a diaper or underwear to "catch" her pee, she will be more likely to sit on the potty. When I told her my plan she asked, "where will my butt go?"

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

It's been a long day! Emily was up early to see what the Easter Bunny brought and then I told her to tell Tyler to get up too. Normally he resists her attempts to wake him but today he jumped right up! Then we went to the early service at church and then a stop at Grandma and Grandpa Cooper's house to see what the Easter bunny left there (he left double, thanks to Aunt Mare). Emily had a major meltdown over a John Deere tractor. She and Tyler each got one and they were slightly different models, well Emily insisted Tyler had hers (he didn't) and we had to leave early. Then we had to wait bring the horses in around 12 before leaving for the other Grandparents house. However while we were waiting Curt called work and is now ready to quit! They just can't stick to a plan and keep asking too much driving to be done by himself. It's too physically and mentally taxing. So we had a bit of a damper on the day. Emily fell asleep on the drive there, but then we finally made our way to Easter dinner (it looked like Thanksgiving!) and we had a great time eating and egg hunting, playing with Nicky (the dog), bouncing on the Trampoline, flying kites and Emily took a ride on Poncho (the pony). Tyler was too busy playing with the dog to ride the pony. Then everyone stayed awake on the drive home and lucky for Tyler there was a Scooby Doo marathon on Boomerang! Now on to bed!

Friday, April 2, 2010

We should all sleep good tonight.

It was a long day outside. We got a lot of stuff done today, I went through all the millions of horse blankets we have and sorted out stuff we want to keep and stuff to sell at a open house/tack sale on April 10th. (Cindy can you help me that weekend????) Then we packed up all the stuff and moved tack trunks to the barn for all the blankets that are staying. I also lunged the young horse (Spencer got the day off, he got a bath yesterday and managed to stay fairly clean today) and then after all the horses came in I had Curt put the stallion out in the big ring (since he's been stuck in the smallest paddock lately) and give him a chance to run around, smell the poo and roll. He had a great time but since it is so warm and he still has winter hair to shed, he got sweaty and I gave him a quick bath. The kids have been outside all day (even ate lunch outside) they were in the backyard while I did the blankets and running around the barn while doing barn stuff, so needless to say that had to get a bath too! So I think once bedtime comes around we should all pass out fairly quickly.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Things I forgot to mention yesterday...

1. I fell down the stairs! Well slid down unexpectedly is a better description. I banged my elbow (one that I am positive I have chipped in the past and it really hurts!) and hurt the heels of my feet. And other then that I feel sore all over today!
2. Potty training update. Some times I have to really bribe her to sit on the potty (a new dress usually works) and then other times she is more then willing. This afternoon we even put on underwear while outside and she went three times with her telling me (not me asking, "do you have to go potty") and each time her underwear was dry. Then when we went inside she didn't want to take her underwear off and switch to a pull-up (I did) so we let her stay in underwear but she had to small accidents and by then it was time for a bath and pj's so we went to a pull-up. But this was the first time she wanted to keep the undies on. Slowly she is getting there. Tomorrow we should be outside for most of the day so I told her we'd do underwear again. So keep your fingers crossed that we will soon be DONE with diapers!