Then during all this Casino (my old guy who's picture is on here at the top) has been sick. Well he's had a temperature and no other symptoms. So I've been keeping an eye on his temp and giving him meds. I think he is finally over what ever it was but I am still keeping him on meds for a few days.
Now for the kids, I created a monster with Tyler and the blower. He was playing with a small plug in fan blowing the barn out and then I told him to try the plug in blower because it isn't much louder then that. Well now that is all he wants to do! The good news: I don't have to do the blower and wears ear protection. The bad news: He's not very skilled at getting the barn clean and he wants to use it constantly! The noise is a bit annoying!!
Emily has been on a strict 6am wake up call, and it's getting old! I don't why she wants to get up that early! Usually the days I need her to get up early she wants to sleep in!
Tyler's done some nice pictures in school lately here are a couple:

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