Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Busy Weekend

It was actually a busy week. Curt had to fly to Florida and drive back, then drive back down and fly back and then fly BACK to Florida and drive back AGAIN! And this was all within seven days! Then Friday (while Curt was actually home) we went up to the annual farm auction to drop a couple things off and look around. Then Saturday, me, my sister and the kids went to a tack sale/open house at another farm, to try and sell some of my stuff. We did okay and made about $94 dollars, but we didn't get a lot of traffic. So we decided to go back today (Sunday) and try again, but we saw even less people and just barely covered our fee. So now I think we will just have our own garage sale one day and I'll put up flyers at some feed stores and horse shows. The kids did well just playing at the farm, because it was basically playing outside all afternoon. It made for a long couple days though.
Oh! And I think I might have broken my nose (for the 4th or 5th time in my life)! We also had the farrier coming today so I had to leave the horses in while I was gone, but I wanted to get a few out while I did the barn in the morning. So when it was time to bring the one young horse in, he was all wound up and the flies were starting to buzz around his face and when I tried to put his halter on he threw his head up and smashed me right in the nose. It stung bad and it was a familar feeling, but not the worst break I ever had. It's a bit swollen and sore. So we'll see if I have a black eye to go with it in the morning.

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