Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Friday, April 16, 2010

And so it begins in preschool!

This is the first (of many,I'm sure) fad that my kids will be begging me for. Tyler came home the other day and said he was the only one in his class that didn't have "those shape arm things". The brand name is "Silly Bandz" and there are several others, they are basically little rubber band like bracelets that when they are not on your wrist they are the shape of animals, cars, sports, or anything you can think of. So we went out to day to get some. Emily chose "Spring" Silly Bandz, with the shapes: chick, umbrella, tulip, kite, etc. Tyler chose "Dogs" and his also glow in the dark. Then we got one small pack of "Farm Animals" which they split. The good news, you get a lot (24 peices) in a pack, but the bad news, Emily already broke at least 4! And they are small and sure to get lost!

On a side note, my old horse Casino is feeling under the weather today. He has had a temperture up and down today and a little off his feed (not eating). I am trying to keep him comfortable with some medicine and hope that he'll pull out of it.

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