Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day BBQ!

Boy is it nice now that the kids are getting older! I was actually able to sit and just talk to people! No running around watching my kids every second! Tyler spent most of his day in the pool (which is only up to his armpits now) and he was practicing going under all day! Emily had a kiddie pool to herself which she enjoyed. They both had several kids to play with including their cousins, so they didn't need me! Emily actually rode the pony on her own! Poncho was on his best behavior and Emily did very well and had a great time. Tyler didn't want to ride, he was more interested in playing with the dog! Sadly the trampoline didn't survive the day, it started to break but no one was hurt, it was caught before it could completely break. Emily was a bit sad because the trampoline was her favorite! She did get to jump on it the day before and quite a bit before it was taken down. And really she had a lot of fun with out it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What we've been up to...

since I last wrote. Emily slept for 12 hours after banging her teeth and only complained her teeth hurt first thing in the morning when I tried to give her a sippy cup. So I had to give her a cup with a straw instead. But since then, no complaints but I am keeping an eye on her one front tooth which I think received the brunt of the fall.
Curt's been busy trying to finish up getting all the horses and equipment back from Florida, so we've been trying to keep busy! Thursday Tyler had Mini Olympic day and Emily got to play too. It was just a bunch of games for the kids to play in the class room and at the end they all got Olympic medals even Emily! They had a great time.
We did some drawing on the driveway with chalk which Curt would hate!! He thinks it will stay on the driveway! But it washes off easily.
Then Saturday we went to the fairgrounds to see a small Pet Expo and there was also a horse show going on. So we packed a lunch and sat up on the bleacher platforms and had lunch while we watched the horse show then went to look at a bunch of dogs and a few cats!
Today there wasn't much to do but we went to the local YMCA to see about swimming lessons for Tyler and maybe Emily. We go back June 5th for a "swim test" to see what class they will be in. Tyler is really looking forward to it, Emily...I'm not sure but I thought we'd let her try and see if she wants to do it.
Just now I took them down with me to do nite check down in the barn (give the horses an extra piece of hay and just check everyone), and I want them to go to bed easy tonight so I can watch the final episode of LOST and I got them to run around the barn! Tyler went 6 times and Emily 5! LOL! They both got winded and were almost sweaty! So I hope...mission accomplished!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What will she look like tomorrow?

Emily already has big puffy lips and of course her gap tooth smile. Tonight about an hour before bedtime she was just trying to get something in the corner of the green house when she slipped and I heard a loud BONK. She turned around holding her mouth and crying. Then the blood started. At first I couldn't see through all the blood to know where it was coming from. So I gave her a wet wash cloth and went for ice. But wouldn't you know it, there were not one but two, empty ice trays in the freezer!!!! Who does that???? I tried to get her to take some frozen yogurt but she refused. The cold wet wash cloths helped, I kept giving her fresh cold ones. So finally the bleeding stops and I can see a small hole on her bottom lip. She hasn't really stopped crying however, and when I try console her she tells me her teeth really hurt. So I look again and sure enough the gums above one of her big front teeth is a little bloody. None of her teeth were loose or broken however, but I think she must have smacked them pretty good. I hope that her teeth don't turn grey. So she wants to be picked up and we go and sit on the couch with her blanket and she continues to cry off and on (Oh and I did give her some Tylenol to help with the pain) and I got up to talk on the phone and she started to settle and then Tyler tells me she is falling asleep. We let her dose off then when I am sure she is out I carry her upstairs to bed. Tyler is thrilled because it means he gets to play with his little indoor sandbox, which he never gets to play with because it wouldn't be a good thing to use around Emily. Tyler is very careful and quiet when he plays with it on his own. I just know it wouldn't be a good thing for them to do together! Anyway, she woke briefly when Tyler and I were reading books at bedtime and she kind of whimpered in her sleep, so I hope that she doesn't still have pain. We'll have to see how she looks in the morning.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Carnival: fun & tears

So we waited all day to go to the carnival and I'm not sure it was worth it! It started out good (notice the picture above) they both liked the first ride. But then the wanted to go on the roller coaster (kiddie roller coaster, very tame) and that startled them(they did watch it go first)and mind you it wasn't fast or steep but Emil didn't enjoy it at all. She was holding on to the bar in front of her and had her head down between her arms, only looking up occasionally. Tyler looked startled too at the start but as the ride went on he just looked bored! When they got off Emily said to was too scary and Tyler said his hands hurt from holding on so tight!! But later he said it was his favorite ride! Then we played a game and I helped Emily and we won a prize, so then there were tears because Tyler wanted a prize too. So several games and dollars later he got a prize too. Then we had to force Emily onto another ride with Tyler and she wasn't happy but thankfully the man running the ride saw that and made a big effort to get her to smile and by the end she was laughing. But by the time we were driving out there were tears again because Emily kicked off her shoes and now wanted them again (such trauma!) But she was just tired and settled. Sometimes the late afternoons are not the best time to do things with a tired kid.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My new favorite website...

www.awkwardfamilyphotos.com I stayed up until 11:30 last night looking and laughing at these pictures! I still have loads to look at and I can't wait to get back to them! Be sure to read all the captions under the photos. You can't help but laugh!
So today was my parent/teacher conference with Tyler's teacher. His teacher gave him very high remarks about his behavior, his confidence and of course his academics. I forgot to ask about his speech, but I am not really worried about it since I know they have a speech teacher at the "big" school (as Tyler calls it). Emily has started storytime again this week and she learned a new song called "I Love You a bushel and a Peck". But she keeps getting it wrong. She says "I love you a pickle and a bush" which sounds a little wrong.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nothing new...

just the same ole stuff just a different day. Emily sure is a girly girl, she is already getting into talking on the phone..endlessly!!! She wants to talk to Cindy or Curt when ever I am on the phone and doesn't want to give it back to me!!! Boy are we in trouble!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day..

to my Mom and my Mom-in Law! What did I do today?? I did the barn early with the kids (Curt was still on the way back from Florida) then church. Then for my treat to myself I stopped on the way home for fresh rolls, bacon and my favorite candy bar! I wanted to make a yummy sandwich (just bacon and a little mayo on a fresh roll) some Doritos (my favorite) and the new Three Musketeer's truffle (THE BEST CANDY BAR EVER!) When we got home our power was out, but no worries, I cooked my bacon on the stove top (thanks to a gas stove). So lunch was yummy! Then while the kids played (with no TV) I read then dosed off briefly. Curt got home just when we were doing the barn and then we went out to Applebee's for dinner. I am stuffed! I would hate to know what my calorie count was today!!
Oh and before when we were in the house with no power (it came back around 1:30, so no big deal) Tyler wanted to make me a Mother's Day Card. So he gave me a piece of paper and asked me to write on it "Happy Mother's Day, I love you" and then after I did that he drew all my favorite things: books, horses, Doritos and my candy bar! I kept telling Tyler to do things for me because it was Mother's Day and he said it was Kid's Day. Every day is Kid's Day!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day tomorrow...

I look forward to the Mother's Day when my kids can do all the work for me! Oh well, barn work and the rest tomorrow for me as usual! Curt is on his way home from another Florida trip. Today was a crazy day! First it looked like it was going to pour so I left the horses in but only sprinkled. Then it started to clear up but they said it was going to get really windy, so I put the horses out. It took a while for the wind to start and I was looking forward to going to watch the Grand Prix at the Garden State Horse Show at the local fairgounds. The kids and I finished the barn early and packed up some food for our dinner and as we were getting on the road we saw a tree had come down on the edge of our property and into the road a little. It is actually a tall tree but the majority of it is laying in the woods. So I guess the wind had started. Off we go to the show and when we get there we see police, firetrucks and a log jam of horse tractor trailers. I guess the wind was pretty bad and they saw one of the big tents (for temporary stalls) was getting loose or something because they got all the horses out and then it ripped. So then they had to take the whole thing down. They cancelled all the showing for the day and then later when I got home I heard they evacuated all the tents and cancelled the show for tomorrow too. So that is the end of that! No Grand Prix this year! Oh well, at least I got to avoid running into my former boss or his wife!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Feels like summer...

in May! First the heat! Then yesterday the kids were playing in the sprinkler at Grandma & Grandpa Cooper's, we put the a/c's in upstairs and today we had corn on the cob with dinner! It wasn't too bad! So a few weeks ago when we went to a tack sale at another barn to sell stuff, the kids saw a horse called "Temple of Doom" and Cindy made a joke that she didn't want to ride that horse! Emily can't stop talking about him, but she can't remember his exact name. When she says it, it is more like "gobble a goom". Today she had to ask me again, "what is his name?" I like Gobble a Goom better! LOL! Anyhow, I am a frequent visitor to Facebook, I love being able to keep up with friends and it's great for finding people from years ago! However, my former employer's wife is on there too! And we obviously DON'T connect on there but we have like over 50 mutual friends, so on occasion we might both comment on the same persons wall. Well, I just found out that she "blocked" me! Which means she set up her privacy setting so that I can't see anything she does and in turn she can't see anything I do either (that part, I don't mind LOL!). I mean it's not like we could see much before but I find the blocking now so weird! I left their farm almost 10 years ago!!!!!! I think it is about time they get over it!! Oh! And supposedly they are coming to the big horse show up near me this week...great!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another busy couple days...

two days of a barn/yard sale. The first day some one came mid-day and bought ALL of the horse stuff I had! So I felt bad about people maybe coming the next day for horse stuff, and I found some more things I could sell. Well, I shouldn't have bothered! None of that sold today, but we did get rid of a few things. It was so hot both days it made it a little tiring. The kids were all gung-ho the first day but it got old after a while. Today Tyler also went to Karate with a friend from school, actually Emily calls him "her boyfriend"! Tyler was nervous and shy but he did participate and he looked like he liked it. But when he came out he said he didn't and he wanted to leave. So we'll just have to wait and see if he wants to do it again.