Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Carnival: fun & tears

So we waited all day to go to the carnival and I'm not sure it was worth it! It started out good (notice the picture above) they both liked the first ride. But then the wanted to go on the roller coaster (kiddie roller coaster, very tame) and that startled them(they did watch it go first)and mind you it wasn't fast or steep but Emil didn't enjoy it at all. She was holding on to the bar in front of her and had her head down between her arms, only looking up occasionally. Tyler looked startled too at the start but as the ride went on he just looked bored! When they got off Emily said to was too scary and Tyler said his hands hurt from holding on so tight!! But later he said it was his favorite ride! Then we played a game and I helped Emily and we won a prize, so then there were tears because Tyler wanted a prize too. So several games and dollars later he got a prize too. Then we had to force Emily onto another ride with Tyler and she wasn't happy but thankfully the man running the ride saw that and made a big effort to get her to smile and by the end she was laughing. But by the time we were driving out there were tears again because Emily kicked off her shoes and now wanted them again (such trauma!) But she was just tired and settled. Sometimes the late afternoons are not the best time to do things with a tired kid.

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