Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What will she look like tomorrow?

Emily already has big puffy lips and of course her gap tooth smile. Tonight about an hour before bedtime she was just trying to get something in the corner of the green house when she slipped and I heard a loud BONK. She turned around holding her mouth and crying. Then the blood started. At first I couldn't see through all the blood to know where it was coming from. So I gave her a wet wash cloth and went for ice. But wouldn't you know it, there were not one but two, empty ice trays in the freezer!!!! Who does that???? I tried to get her to take some frozen yogurt but she refused. The cold wet wash cloths helped, I kept giving her fresh cold ones. So finally the bleeding stops and I can see a small hole on her bottom lip. She hasn't really stopped crying however, and when I try console her she tells me her teeth really hurt. So I look again and sure enough the gums above one of her big front teeth is a little bloody. None of her teeth were loose or broken however, but I think she must have smacked them pretty good. I hope that her teeth don't turn grey. So she wants to be picked up and we go and sit on the couch with her blanket and she continues to cry off and on (Oh and I did give her some Tylenol to help with the pain) and I got up to talk on the phone and she started to settle and then Tyler tells me she is falling asleep. We let her dose off then when I am sure she is out I carry her upstairs to bed. Tyler is thrilled because it means he gets to play with his little indoor sandbox, which he never gets to play with because it wouldn't be a good thing to use around Emily. Tyler is very careful and quiet when he plays with it on his own. I just know it wouldn't be a good thing for them to do together! Anyway, she woke briefly when Tyler and I were reading books at bedtime and she kind of whimpered in her sleep, so I hope that she doesn't still have pain. We'll have to see how she looks in the morning.

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