Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What we've been up to...

since I last wrote. Emily slept for 12 hours after banging her teeth and only complained her teeth hurt first thing in the morning when I tried to give her a sippy cup. So I had to give her a cup with a straw instead. But since then, no complaints but I am keeping an eye on her one front tooth which I think received the brunt of the fall.
Curt's been busy trying to finish up getting all the horses and equipment back from Florida, so we've been trying to keep busy! Thursday Tyler had Mini Olympic day and Emily got to play too. It was just a bunch of games for the kids to play in the class room and at the end they all got Olympic medals even Emily! They had a great time.
We did some drawing on the driveway with chalk which Curt would hate!! He thinks it will stay on the driveway! But it washes off easily.
Then Saturday we went to the fairgrounds to see a small Pet Expo and there was also a horse show going on. So we packed a lunch and sat up on the bleacher platforms and had lunch while we watched the horse show then went to look at a bunch of dogs and a few cats!
Today there wasn't much to do but we went to the local YMCA to see about swimming lessons for Tyler and maybe Emily. We go back June 5th for a "swim test" to see what class they will be in. Tyler is really looking forward to it, Emily...I'm not sure but I thought we'd let her try and see if she wants to do it.
Just now I took them down with me to do nite check down in the barn (give the horses an extra piece of hay and just check everyone), and I want them to go to bed easy tonight so I can watch the final episode of LOST and I got them to run around the barn! Tyler went 6 times and Emily 5! LOL! They both got winded and were almost sweaty! So I hope...mission accomplished!

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