Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy couple days....

Tyler had his 6th Birthday all week. Tuesday he had his Birthday at school. I sent Cupcakes and lollipops for his class. Then Saturday, his actual Birthday was spent looking for Pillowpets! He really wanted one for his Birthday and I tried to order two online (one for Emily to avoid fighting) and when it came it was way too small, more like an accent pillow, not a bed pillow. So back in the mail they go, and we went all over looking for them at the mall and other stores with no luck, so back to the internet. They should be here this week. Anyway, Saturday night was dinner at Friendly's for Tyler. Then today was church then the party! Tyler was having a hard time waiting for everyone to show up and having to wait to open his presents! But eventually he got to the gifts, which rushed through in typical kid fashion. But later when he took the time to look at everything he was very happy. He will be spending a lot of time in the barn with his new Quad and wheel barrow (yes, wheel barrow, he really wanted a bigger kid one!) Now he is watching the Wizard of Oz though we started with Jumanji! All Lego trucks are put together and his bed is made with his new John Deere set. Emily is fighting him over the little horses but I think we have that worked out. Oh and they did Playdoh for a little while too. I put the paint set away for another day, I'm not ready for that today! It is also probably warm enough for the new Spongebob PJ's tonight. Did I miss anything? I think he just about played with everything. Oh and he had a great construction cake from the A&P!

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