Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Busy, busy day.

Our cellar drain is not working and the water down there was about a foot and a half deep from all that rain we had. Curt had to run out and get a pump to get the water out. But the water is still coming in from the ground so we'll have to keep an eye on it. Of course Tyler was involved handling the hose but then he had to go to school. Curt had to leave for work (another airport run, three mares and a stallion all on a goose neck trailer together!) but by then most of the water was out. Then after school Tyler was dying to get to the stream down at the bottom of the property again (since it is once again flowing) so after the barn work was done that's where we went for about an hour. When we got back to the house we checked the cellar and it needed to be pumped again, so with Tyler's help and a phone call to Curt to find out how to work it, I got more water out but that drain is still clogged up. By the time we got in the house it was 6pm and I had to make a quick dinner for the kids and get a shower. I had already promised we would do Easter eggs, so that is what we did. Now I am out of patience and ready for bedtime!!!!!!!!

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