Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A piece of money

Tyler has started making his bed every day in order to "get a piece of money"! That's what he calls an allowance. We were reading a library book about a boy who gets an allowance for making his bed and some other chores and I guess Tyler figured he could get in on the action. So he asked me if he made his bed every day would I give him a piece of money! I added that he needed to turn off the fan in his room as well. It's on for "white noise" while they sleep and Tyler usually "forgets" to turn it off. But now he knows there is money involved, he remembers to turn it off. The good news, he is thrilled with random coins as his "piece of money" no set number or amount required for his allowance...yet!
So what about all the rain? And all the snow melt added to it! I think it is the fastest we've ever gotten rid of all the snow. Well there is still little piles left but the majority is gone. Usually we are the last to lose the snow, we are in a shady little pocket that is usually slow to melt. Now it's a waiting game for the mud to dry up!

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