Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Sunday, March 28, 2010

One thing I don't like about living on a farm...

TICKS! I pulled one off Emily the other day, one off of me yesterday and then today another one on Emily. It was on her neck and very hard to get out. There is still a small piece stuck in there, she was not happy about me trying to dig it out. I put her in the bath and some medicine on it, I'll have to keep and eye on it. She had this happen once before and it did eventually work it's way out. I hate tick! Plus I've pulled a few off the barn cats and I need to get them more spot on flea/tick stuff. Oh and they bother some of the horses as well. I seem to find them on Rafiki and Spencer but not the others. I would say they are attracted to the white on horses but BB is white and he doesn't get bothered by them.
I actually got a real nap in today!!! Curt took the kids to do the barn in the afternoon and I just took a shower and went right into my bed!! I had a headache and it went away with a simple nap! Of course it was short lived, I mean he could have done a few other chores in the barn to make it a longer time outside. Oh well it was better then nothing!

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