Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This was on TV back in 1975...

I remember watching this when I was a kid, I've never forgotten it.

My question is who let a 5 year old watch this!!! No wonder I never forgot it!

I think Emily and I have a connection...

or maybe we just think alike. Last night while watching TV a commercial came on for Michael Buble singing Jingle Bells. It was a weird look or something, it just struck me as strange and as soon as it was over Emily said, "ok then". Like she was thinking the same thing as me. Also, Curt had to borrow his Mother's car (since the new truck is getting it's bumper fixed from hitting a bear) and when he came in the house I was thinking of asking to make sure he didn't leave the keys in the car but before I could ask him Emily did!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Finally an update

It's been a long time since I wrote on this blog and a lot has happened! I'm not sure if I will get everything in the right order, but here goes. We had a Hurricane and lost power for a few days, felt an earthquake while down at the Jersey Shore, the kids pony got really sick and we thought we were going to have to put him down (thankfully he recovered completely!) and we had a freak snow storm just before Halloween that once again knocked out the power for a few days.

Speaking of Halloween,

we usually go trick or treating at the local shopping center, which we did the Friday before Halloween. Then we had planned to go to a "trunk or treat" at a local park on Saturday and another one on Sunday at a nearby church. But then the snow started falling Saturday morning and never stopped until much later that night. So we lost power and missed out on trunk or treat but by Monday (the actual Halloween) I had no plans what to do with the kids. I saw that our mall was doing trick or treating that night but in the past it wasn't very good there, so I asked my brother about where they go and we decided to join them. Tyler was very happy to be going to "real houses" since we have never done that!! They had a great time with their cousins, even if it was cold and there was snow on the ground! Oh and I saw a bear run though a couple backyards too!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I may have created a monster!

Emily has been asking for real riding clothes. We were in the area of a large tack shop that I knew had a large second hand section, so we went. It is not close to us and since we were there I had to get her stuff! It was cheap and in great condition and they had everything she needed in her size.

She of course LOVES her clothes!

She tried them on when we got home that night and she asked to sleep in them!! (I didn't let her) Then she wanted to wear it to the barn the next morning, again I had to say no. She can't keep anything clean! I should have bought a pair of "every day" britches! She really wants to do a horse show now too! So we are looking into going to a local show for leadline and see if the pony will mind. We don't know if he's ever been to a show or if it will freak him out. He has been so good for the kids I hope that he'll be his same calm self.

So anyway I did let Emily get dressed in all her stuff to ride in the afternoon. She didn't care it was hot she wanted everything on! She still wants to wear the britches in the house, so thankfully they are machine washable!

Tyler says he would like to show next year! So I still have time to get him clothes, but he really has a good relationship with the pony. The other day when Emily got all dressed up to ride, Grandma and Grandpa Cooper came to see them ride. Tyler was in his usually attire, shorts and crocks!

But he is really getting better in his riding and he loves to work around Killian and feed and take care of him. So when we were walking up from the ring, Emily wanted to lead him up and I helped her and Tyler was behind us with Grandma and Grandpa, but Killian kept stopping and looking behind him. I said to Tyler that Killian was waiting for him. So after the second time it happened Tyler caught up to us and went in front of him and Killian never looked back! It was really cute, like he didn't know why Tyler wasn't with us.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fun in the HOT, HOT sun!

It's been a hot few days and tomorrow isn't going to be any better! But we've been staying cool. Yesterday we went back to the lake at High Point State Park.

Emily had great fun running in and out of the lake about a thousand times.

They still didn't make it to the top of the monument however. It was closed for the day by the time we got up there.
When we got home the kids wanted to show Aunt Cindy how they can ride their pony. But they didn't want to get dressed since it was so hot so they rode in their bathing suits. They have yet to ride in proper clothes!

Emily has been obsessed with "the Black Stallion" and she wanted to re-enact a scene...

Tyler had his turn too...

Now today we went to the Land of Make Believe and it was great! The perfect day for it too, it was sooooo HOT!!! We had a large group of family and friends that made it even more fun. Tyler was on the water slides nonstop! He never even went on the other rides.

Emily wasn't really ready for the water slides and she went in the wading pool, the lazy river and she went on the "dry" rides (Merry go round and stuff like that). You really needed to stay wet though and by the end of the day we got Emily on the big water slides and she loved it!! She went once with me and once with Cindy and the rest of the time she went with her idol, her cousin Kaitlyn! She went as many times as she could fit in before they closed the slides for the day!

Photo credit to my sister Cindy! :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day at the beach...sort of

It's not the ocean but it's supposed to be hot all week, and I was dripping sweat just doing the barn this morning. So with nothing better to do the kids and I went to High Point State Park and went swimming in Lake Marcia. It wasn't too crowded when we got there then a day care camp pulled in! It got a little crazy for a while but the kids settled in and Tyler and Emily had a few nice kids to play with. The water was pretty warm and the kids had a great time swimming. When we were done we drove up to the monument and had a look around. It was pretty hazy so we couldn't see too far.

We went up the first set of stairs but I wasn't going to the top!

I did it once when Tyler was little and I actually carried him most of the way. Once was enough for me! When the kids are older some one else can take them up (Daddy!)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Maybe not...

Today the kids and I went to a local horse show. We often pack a lunch and eat it at the fairgrounds when there is a show going on. It gets us out of the house and we like to watch the different horses. They have all sorts of shows from breed shows, hunter/jumper, dressage and others. Today it was a hunter/jumper show and we were watching a small jumper class (which usually means some poor riding!) and Tyler keeps saying maybe next year he'll take Killian to a show and jump. He was really watching and I was explaining about the jump off. As we were watching, a cute, chunky little black and white pinto jump-off, he ducked out and the girl fell off underneath him and the saddle slid around his belly. It looked like she might have been stepped on and it took her a minute to get up. Tyler says, "Alright, I am NOT doing a jump-off!"

But it didn't deter him from riding. They both rode Killian again and we worked just in the big part of the ring and I moved some rails in for them to walk over. Emily went first and did really good, she even stopped Killian from trying to pull the reins out of her hands to grab some hay. She did a great job of getting him straight when walking over the rails. And when it was Tyler's turn she was giving him advice about getting him to the center of the rails!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Well, at least the kids get to ride!

The kids are really getting into riding! Today they wanted to ride Killian and Spencer. Well Tyler wanted to ride Killian the whole time but he did get on Spencer too and give Emily a chance to ride Killian. Thankfully Spencer has really settled down and is really good at letting the kids walk around on him.

It was Spencers first time actually being in a ring with another horse being ridden. Sound strange, I know but it's true. At first he couldn't take his eyes off Tyler and Killian!! And I had to keep them seperated because Spencer isn't that fond of Killian! Spencer behaved very well and Emily had a great time walking him over rails. They love going over the rails on the ground. Killian was also very good, but I think he was a little worried about Spencer being in the ring with him. But once again he didn't spook or do anything wrong. He even stood perfectly still for Tyler to get off all by himself with out any help.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Sorry no new pictures, I keep forgetting to bring my camera to the barn. The kids are really enjoying their new pony, Killian. He is being such and angel! He has yet to spook at anything! He doesn't really enjoy getting his tack (saddle and bridle) on but once it is on he is fine. Both kids have been able to ride him all by themselves. They are just walking but they can go all over the ring and he will listen to them. Today they wanted to walk him over some ground poles, well actually Tyler wanted to jump him! But I said they had to learn a little bit more first! Like trotting!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Today Emily put her cowgirl boots on to ride the pony and as we were leaving the house she says: "If some one sees me they'll think I'm an offical rider!" Nevermind she had pink shorts on.

Monday, June 27, 2011

What a day...

it didn't start off too good. We found an injured deer and of course Curt was at work. I had to make several phone calls to even figure out what to do. I called, Curt, Animal Control and then the State Police! The poor thing was just off our path to the ring and paddocks. And I was in a rush to get the horses turned out and the barn done before taking the kids to the first day of swimming lessons. I managed to get the horses turned out by taking them one by one down the path, nobody even spooked and the deer stayed still when ever I passed with a horse. I waited until the Police got here to put the colt out because he would be nearest the deer and I knew he was going to be shot. The kids took it pretty well, but while all this was going on we were looking for our barn cat, Sweet Pea. She normally greets us every morning and when she didn't today I was worried. We have a family of foxes that have been taking out a bunch of chickens and other small animals. But thankfully she DID show up, even if she was a little late for breakfast!
Then it was on to swimming lessons! We were a little late and I never did get the barn work done before I left. The kids did really well, the started off right where they left off last year and even a little better. I think they should do really well this year and they both really love going. Oh, and an added plus, they swim at the same time! Last year they had to sit and watch each other and that made the lessons seem really long! Today the class seemed to fly!
I have to pack lunch because when they get out of swimming lessons they are starving! So we eat in the car on the way home! Then on to the library to sign up for the summer reading program (Tyler won a free ticket to the fair last year!). Next home for a little down time and then BACK to the barn to finish up the stalls and get the horses in a little early. We drove Kirsten (my brother' youngest) to Grandma and Grandpa MacMillan's and we stayed for swimming and Pizza! Tyler and Emily had a great time playing with Kirsten (I hope she had fun too!) Emily didn't even want to leave! I think if she could, she would have stayed too since Kirsten was there! Oh and Kirsten brought her hermit crab with her or as Emily would say her "herman" crab!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Okay, finally an update!

A lot has happened since my last update but I probably can't remember it all so I'm just going to start fresh. Oh, but first I want to say Rest in Peace to Brother. One of our barn cats got hit by a car about a month ago (right in front of us, and the people didn't even stop!)

He was a shy cat but always friendly with me and he had finally warmed up to the kids and was letting them pet him and Emily could even pick him up. It was very sad, he didn't die instantly and we were about to get in the car to go to the vet when he died in my arms. We still have his sister and thankfully she has always been smarter then him about the road and hopefully she will always be.
An now for what is happening well, now! The kids have a pony! A friend I reconnected with on Facebook had a pony she was looking to give away to a good home. He is a large pony that was a rescue from a horse auction and he still needs more training. My kids are not really ready to be riding on their own yet, so hopefully when they are ready, the pony will be too! He isn't completely green he just needs to know that he doesn't have to worry. And he needs work on his canter. But my kids are far from cantering anyhow! The kids already love him and Tyler made a picture to hang on his stall. And it is funny I wanted to get it because I thought Emily was really showing the interest in riding. And she is, but Tyler is the one who really wants to do things with the pony. He cleans the stall, picks his feet, brushed him and gave him a bath. He really wants to lead him by himself but we need to let the pony settle in a bit more. His name is Killian and he really is sweet with the kids. I just hope they don't pester him too much!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Break

We've been trying to keep busy. We started out by going to my parents small farm on Monday.

Then Tuesday the kids went to Curt's parents (while I went food shopping in peace)and they dyed Easter eggs. After that we went to the Library. Wednesday we went to "Touch a Truck" but it was a small gathering of trucks and we didn't stay long because kids kept beeping and honking the truck horns. Tyler and Emily and several other kids walked around with their hands over their ears. Thursday (today) we went to my sisters house and while there we went to her big mall for the Lego store and to look for skinny jeans for Emily. (It's the only thing she wants to wear now! No other jeans will do.) They also have a two story carousel in the mall.

Then from there we went to Van Saun Park/zoo in Paramus. It was so crowed, and mainly with Orthodox Jews. So of course there were questions. Tyler mainly wanted to know why they all were wearing black because it looked hot! We had to wait on a long line for the train and half the zoo was empty! Oh well, it was a day out. Tomorrow we have no plans and maybe we'll just stay home. Saturday we have an egg hunt and cartoon at church and then Sunday is Easter!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that one night they made a "spider web"! They actually
made it together and got along great, so what ever keeps the peace!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Another sad goodbye.

Today we lost another equine friend. This is a big down side to having retired horses, but you have to take the bad with the good. We knew of Rafiki when he was showing under Chris Kappler and then he came to stay with us. Rafiki was a boarder but he was still part of our family. He came to us in 2003 for stall rest after a stifle injury and then he made it back to the ring briefly before it started up again. The next time we saw him was after he was trying to get back to work and then developed EPM. He was at another farm and having a hard time, so his owners (Liz and Greg Obrecht) called us to see if we would take him again. That was in 2005.
When he first came back to us he was having episodes of laying down and not being able to get back up. We would have to crack a lunge whip (not touch him at all, just the sound was enough) to encourage him to get up. But in time he got stronger and he no longer had any trouble getting up and down. The EPM and stifle injury took it's toll and his hind end, it was weak and he didn't exactly move like a normal horse but over all he was happy and healthy and was able to enjoy retirement like anyone else. He still knew he was a stallion and he was still very head strong. But he was always gentle and kind to my kids. Even when Tyler gave him a haircut when I wasn't looking!!!!
Look up " Haircut! June 17, 2010" on here, I can't figure out how to link it.
The last few weeks his front end gave out and then the added stress to his weak hind end didn't give him any where to rest. He refused to lay down to get off his legs and then his EPM seemed to be effecting him again as well. He started having a difficult time and it was a tough choice to say goodbye but his body just couldn't take much more. He was euthanized today. We gave him loads of carrots the last two days and told him we loved him. Tyler took it pretty hard but Emily was more upbeat saying he was getting to go see Casino, Artos and God. It was a hard day and I just keep trying to think like Emily.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The results are in...

Emily's first school picture. Pretty cute, her hair stayed in place, good smile and you can see Hello Kitty! LOL (But this was her Hello Kitty dress, not the same old shirt!)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Story from a few days ago.

So on Thursday while Emily was in school it was just me and Tyler doing the barn. Well, me doing the barn and Tyler playing in the run-off creek that runs along our path to the ring. In case you don't know we live in black bear country (Sussex county NJ) and we have occasionally seen bears in our yard. So being the beginning of spring is here and bears are about again I called down to Tyler to be on the look out for bears. Well not 2 minutes later I hear him screaming like something is really wrong. So I drop what I am doing and run to where he is (he is still screaming so I can't even ask what is wrong until I get to him) but I am imagining a bear of course! Turns out he stepped on a huge nail from an old fence board and it went through his winter boots and into his foot. I think it nearly went all the way through! There was a little blood, which upset him as much as the pain, I think. So we cleaned it out and put medicine and a bandage on it. Then he just sat while I finished the barn. We called the doctor but they said his tetanus was up to date so just keep it clean and keep and eye on it. Luckily on Friday he only had a half a day so there wasn't gym class (his favorite which he wouldn't have wanted to miss). So far so good, it looks to be healing fine and it seems to be hurting him less and less. It always something....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Like two peas in a pod.

Sometimes Tyler and Emily are a lot alike and sometimes they are like oil and water. Tonight they are getting along very well and both are quietly playing on the computers.

When they go to bed at night, Tyler makes a huge pile of stuffed animals, pillow pets and pillows.

And now Emily is starting to copy him.

I don't know how they can sleep like that!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mall day today...

even though it was a nice day today. Our farm is very wet and muddy so I wanted to get the kids out of the house (after the barn work) and Tyler had a gift card for Build-a-Bear from his birthday. It worked out really well because I got two emails from Build-a-Bear. One had a $5 off coupon for Tyler's Birthday and the second one was for a FREE stuffed animal this weekend! So Tyler picked out a Jack Russell and a leash and Emily got a pink terrier. And I only had to spend $7! (The dog Emily wanted was more then the Free animals, but it was $12 off instead). They are both very happy with their dogs.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So whats been happening? First Emily told me she wanted to dye her hair purple and on the day before Tyler's birthday we went shopping. I let the kids take some money from their piggy banks to cash in and Tyler had a $3 gift card from the ToysRus Birthday club. I made them leave some money in their banks and I just gave Emily a random amount. Cindy counted out money for Tyler so he'd have $10 total. We took it to the bank coin machine and Emily's came to $6.66!!! The sign of the Devil! The bank teller was like, "OH!" We just laughed and said, "Well, she is a devil child at times!" So while we were out shopping Cindy picked up some purple streaks for Emily to clip in her hair. She loved it!

Curt was fooled for a moment and thought we actually dyed her hair. His eye went huge and he was about to get mad when he realized it was fake! She even wore it to church! But the fad wore off already she only wore it those two days and seems to have forgotten it.

Sunday was Tyler's 7th birthday and we had a nice family party for him.

Next year I think we'll let him have a kid party, he asked me to do it this year but I didn't have enough time when he asked to get it together in time to invite hi class. Tyler got somethings he really wanted, like Legos, a feller buncher (a kind of logging tractor) and a shop vac! Yes, a shop vac! He wanted his very own vacuum cleaner and he wanted one he could use inside and outside! At least he'll be able to keep my car clean!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Picture day

Well she did it, she wore something else for picture day...

but soon after she got home...

Oh well.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Will she wear something else????

Tomorrow is picture day at Emily's preschool and she has still been wearing the same outfit day after day!!!! She says she'll wear something else tomorrow, but will she........

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Yesterday the kids were in the green house room and they called me saying they saw are "really strange animal". Tyler told me, "It looks like a chicken-duck!" It was a pheasant! I guess we haven't seen one in a long time around here. I wish I had kept track of how many days Emily has been wearing her Hello Kitty clothes! But going by when I first posted it on here, it has been at least 30 days!!! My sister tried to get her a similar skirt and shirt.

Which Emily did like and wear that first day, but she went right back to the original. I have to wash it almost everyday, because she rarely keeps the shirt clean. It is so funny because she used to love wearing all sorts of clothes (mainly skirts and dresses). She is going to wear them out! And she has had this shirt and skirt for over a year at least but it is just the last month that shes been obsessed!

In other news I have my own new obsession, Karl Pilkington! Who you might ask? I'm not really sure myself, but he is very funny to watch. He is on a couple shows with Ricky Gervais. I first saw him on the Science Channel in "An Idiot Abroad"
and then I started looking up videos on youtube to see him on "the Ricky Gervais Show" and that is even funnier!

The best is when they read his diary.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


(the fat lip was much better the next day, sorry no picture)

So how about this snow!! It wasn't a white Christmas but it's been white ever since! There have been several snow days, a couple delayed openings and one early dismissal and we aren't even in February yet! We weren't hit as bad as some places but we are running out of places to put the snow.

Emily and I had a battle of wills today over clothes! I didn't let her wear her Hello Kitty shirt and skirt AGAIN to school today (she wore it yesterday(because it was dirty) and she could NOT pick anything to wear. She kept getting dressed and then changing her mind! Three changes and I had it! I made her wear her last choice but it wasn't easy. I am in big trouble when she is a teenager!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The first week

I can't believe a week has already passed since losing Casino. It has been very quiet in the barn. Usually Casino did all the talking in the barn. His turnout buddies must have known he died that night because they never called for him. And normally if one of the group wasn't there for any other reason, there would be calling back and forth. I am still sad. I'll always miss him the same as I miss Artos and even my pony, Tara.
In other news, Emily has a fat lip! I'll try and get a picture tomorrow, because I'm sure it will still be big. She went running around a corner right into Tyler at full speed.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

R.I.P. Casino

I lost one of my favorite horses today. I've know Casino since 1996 when he was first imported to this country from Europe. He was bought by Mark Leone to try out for the 96 Olympics (he didn't make it, but his brother Peter did). I was Casino's groom from then until the day I left Ri-Arm in 2001. I clicked with him right away and he was a very close second to my other love, Artos. I got to ride them both a lot and one of my favorite times was when we were doing the trials for the World Championships and I got to go off to horse shows with just the two of them! Casino didn't make the World Championships either but he was close! He was the top horse going into the last day! But he had a couple rails and dropped out of contention. He did however make a European summer tour where he was consistantly putting in clear rounds and got the nickname "Clear round Casino"! He was even picked to be the anchor for the Nations Cup Final that year, bless him. He did win several Grand Prix classes, the biggest was probably the World Cup class at Toronto. He won me an nice Tag Hauer watch and a lovely Volvo cooler (which is probably still in the upstairs closet at Ri-Arm!) When I left Ri-Arm it was extremely hard to go, knowing I was leaving him behind (Artos was already sold back to Zangersheide by then). But as luck would have it he was sold to Evan Coluccio about a year after I left. Which was great for me! He was good friends with my friend Cathy Martin, who told them to call me because I knew everything about Casino. (He had a few quirks, but they didn't bother me!) So Evan's mom called me and we stayed in touch, and when the time came to retire him she asked if I wanted him. Of course I wanted him but to be fair I thought Mark should get the offer first. So she tried Mark but he wasn't interested and he became mine!

I had him here for over 6 + years and I loved every minute of it. I rode him a little but between having kids and his age it wasn't a priority. I was just happy to see him everyday again and know he was happy. He started getting grey hair all over his face and in his mane but he still acted just the same and from a distance (without seeing the grey hairs) you would swear he was still a show horse. He kept himself very fit and even with his big belly! I got on him this past summer just for a couple photos because I didn't have any of me on him and it had to be atleast 2 years or more since I sat on him. He felt great under me again! He was looking for my hands and coming round instantly, bless him! All I did was walk and get a few pictures, but I'm glad I got on him one last time.

Rest in Peace Casino, I will miss you asking for hay, grain, and to go outside, the barn will be so quiet with out you. :(

Hello Kitty

this is the outfit she has been wearing daily. The tights change, in the house usually she wants no tights!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Another long gap between posts! Whats been happening... Emily had "PJ day" at school and that goes against her nature! She normally wants to get out of her PJ's as soon as she is awake! But she got into it and was having fun with it until I picked her up from school and told her we had to go to A&P on the way home. I made the mistake of asking her if she wanted to go in her PJ's or change into clothes. I always have a backpack with her at school and/or in the car with a spare set of clothes. Of course she wanted to get dressed, until she saw what clothes I had! She didn't want THAT shirt or THOSE jeans! Let the meltdown begin! She didn't want the PJ's or the clothes! She wanted me to go home first so she could pick her clothes THEN go to A&P! In the end I just got her to stop crying and we went to A&P in PJ's. She didn't mind then, but she did wonder why no one mentioned that she was in her PJ's!
Lately she has been wearing the same outfit EVERYDAY! Lord help me if it is being washed when she wants to wear it! It is her dark pink Hello Kitty shirt and Hello Kitty Skirt. I'll have to get a picture of the clothes before she wears them out! They are not even new, I don't know why it has suddenly become a favorite! But it is all she wants to wear!
Last night she got out of bed about 20 minutes after I turned out the lights. I was still down stairs and she was at the top of the stairs (I still have a gate up there) calling me. I go up and she asks me if there is a little hole by her nose because it hurts. I see nothing but guess she's been rubbing it on her sleeve and now it's sore. I put her back in bed and give her a pile of tissues on her nightstand. About 5 minutes later she is at the top of the stairs again calling me. This time just to say it feel better! So I put her back in bed and this time I think that is the end...until 3:30 in the morning when she wakes me up by saying "Mommy" right next to my bed! This time she has no real reason to be up (sleepwalking??) I make her take a quick trip to the potty and then back to bed. Now I am lying awake waiting for it to happen again! Thankfully it doesn't and I hope it doesn't happen tonight!