Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Emily and her "Tattoo" dress

So when I ask Emily what she wants to wear today she tells me her "Tattoo" dress. I was like what??? Then she said her pink Tattoo dress, and I knew what she meant, her pink "tutu" dress! (See the pictures from earlier posts where she is wearing it) LOL! Well I had to steer her away from it for today because we had errands to run and it is getting a little to small for her, it kind of rides up her belly! So she picked her jean flowered jumper instead, a sensable choice! Oh and by the way, she also likes to pick out Curt's clothes for him!
Well I didn't make it to the end of the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics last night. I was very tired and I don't know why, I didn't even do a lick of barn work yesterday or cook dinner. (To my in-laws, thanks again for the chinese take out!)Oh well, I saw the highlights on the Today Show this morning!

Around this time of year I start getting the itch to work with and ride the horses! I guess it's the "want what you can't have"! I know by fall I am ready to stop riding and working the young horses, because it is very time consuming. I'm hoping to have a second rider handy this year, keep your finger crossed the young horses behave so I don't have second thoughts. Bree (boarder 4yr old) should be leaving late spring/early summer for further training. I just get them started undersaddle and then they leave for the advance stuff. So I'll just have Spencer to work after he leaves, which is fine with me, I don't really have the time right now or the energy for breaking in young horses and Spencer needs more put into him so one day the kids can ride him. Well Spring is right around the corner, right??

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