Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Everything takes longer to do...

with all this snow! It takes twice as long to turnout the horses, because I first have to trudge down there with the hay. Then back up and then up and down 5 more times (I take some in pairs to make it faster). The path down is getting better but it is still much harder when there is any snow let alone two feet of snow! So by the time I get everyone out I am already tired! Then add on, the dumpster is full, the stalls are trashed since the horses have been in a lot this week and the just getting the shavings is an extra chore because the are stored up by the house and there is no clear path to them. I was at least able to get the tractor up the driveway (although it is not yet fully clear)and park it on the road and then I trudged through the snow (again) to get 8 huge bags of bedding. So needless to say it took me an extra hour to finish today. Oh an Emily got me up around 6am today and I was up until about midnight (like every other night these last couple weeks) watching the Olympics!

Emily went out in the snow for the first time today, now that there are areas where she can actually walk. She had fun with Tyler in the huge mounds of snow down by the barn (I'll get some pictures tomorrow). Tyler is counting the days until his birthday and party with a Christmas bead calender! It's the first thing he does most mornings. He is also celebrating his birthday at school on Tuesday and he is very excited about that. He wants to give all the kids in his class a lollipop or a pencil or something because some kids have done that in the past for their birthdays. My birthday is in the summer so I never had the birthday at school experience, I guess it is fun!

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