Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Friday, February 26, 2010

I feel like I live in Vermont or Colorado!

The snow is unbelievable! We knew we were getting a lot of snow yesterday, but it didn't seem terrible when we went to bed. However, when we got up this morning it was at least 2 feet! And still snowing! It snowed off and on all day, too. But first thing this morning when our little stray cat, Mulch (who has a little outdoor house on a shelf) was a bit surprised by the snow. she must have slept right through it! When she tried to get down from her shelf she went completely under the snow! I cleared a little spot by the door so she could come in the house for breakfast while i cleared a little snow for her. But after she ate she got spooked and took off in the deep snow up into the woods! I tried to go after her but she wanted to get away from me, so i went back in. And mind you the snow was about mid thigh on me but she was able to stay a bit on top and not sink to the bottom. I think just the jump down sent her deep! So poor little Mulch stayed in the woods all day! Around 1 or 2 I finally saw her again and I tried to go after her again but again she just ran deeper in the woods. So I figured I had to let her come back on her own and thankfully she did finally when it got dark. I happened to see cat prints in the fresh snow by the green house door and then I took a flash light an saw her peek out of her house! I would have had trouble sleeping thinking of her in the woods in the deep snow!

Tyler went out several times today, he could barely walk in the unshoveled snow! Emily didn't even ask to go out I think she knew there would be no way she'd make it! She was very good today though and even helped me by getting things for me and helping me make the pizza for dinner. She also help Curt pick out his clothes again and also told him his socks didn't match! Curt was getting a little frustrated with all the snow. The tractor kept getting stuck and we are running out of places to put it! Oh and to top it all off he's getting a bad cold/sore throat! So I did the barn this afternoon for him and when I came in Emily had a long story to tell me and I quote, "Tyler wouldn't let me do some thing and I cried then I dried my tears then I found Bob then I dried my tears...."

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