Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How cold is it?

It's so cold that one of the barn cats is trying to become a house cat! Poor Sweet Pea! She hasn't been in the house the last couple years and in the last three days is has come in for a little while each day. Today she got a 2 and 1/3 hours inside, I felt terrible taking her back to the barn!
Well Curt made it to Florida and is more then half way home. He almost had to do an airport run tomorrow night! That would have been criminal! As it is he is getting home in the wee hours tomorrow morning and if he had to do the airport tomorrow he would have had to stay up until 4am Thursday! And then leave again for Florida with virtually no sleep! BUT thank the Lord he does NOT have to do the airport tomorrow night!!
The kids and I had a pretty quiet day, Tyler had school so that helps! There have been several crying bouts by Emily, but what else is new!

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