Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm so tired from my busy dreams!

Did you ever have dreams where you are so active that you wake up tired? What is that about!!?? So I had three weird dreams that I don't think they were related, I remember waking up after the first strange one thinking, That was strange!

First up, I was at a church (not one that i know) and when it came time to leave I had no ride for some reason. So I rode with Penny in here horse and wagon!! Her horse was her old horse JR (but sometimes he was a dapple grey) and I first remarked, "Are you sure he can pull a wagon?" But we weren't the only ones with carts and horses, there were at least three others and we were all going the same way. At one point JR got to close to the horse in front of us and he got kicked in the face twice. But think about it, if the horse in front of us was pulling a cart, how could it kick him in the face? Anything is possible in a dream. It was a crazy ride! First we were going down a road and when it went down hill we were flying around a muddy turn and I said, "It's like Mr Toad's wild ride!" And then we were in the woods getting whipped in the face by tree branches and finally were were in an under ground tunnel (????) and we had to stop because the cart in front of us was more like a stage coach and they had to get out and pushs there cart with some one on top lifting the roof! So while we were waiting Penny took some ladys hat (the lady from the cart with the kicking horse, she was kind of snooty and had just left because this was her stop) and was trying to use it to give JR some water from a nearby fountain. Well, the lady came back to look for her hat and caught Penny with it and was not happy. Penny handed her the hat back (for some reason she had a bucket inside the hat, so why need the hat?????) and the hat fell apart in her hands and I just remember looking over at JR (now a dapple grey) and he was huffing and puffing and thirsty. Then I woke up.

Then I had two more dreams that I only remember bits and pieces. One I was at some horse show and Mark was walking Artos when it started to rain (I was in a camper for some reason just watching) and while everyone else went for cover Artos didn't mind the rain so they stayed out. Then when they finally came back to the camper Mark turned into a tall basketball type guy and decided to try and stand on Artos back and drop down on to him, but he missed and fell off!

Then maybe it was related, I was in a camper and a bunch of people were around and some one went off to talk to some one else and before they left they put a thing in my ear so I could hear what they would be talking about in the other room. I suddenly heard Ann Curry (from NBC's Today Show) in my ear asking me to move around the room until I got a clear signal and to nod my head to answer! And that is all I remember before be woken by Emily at 6:30!

And she is already in a dress at 7:30!

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