Ty & Em

Ty & Em

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's been a busy couple days...

Friday I made a little easier by not going to MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers) which I missed. :( We had an hour 15 minute drive to the Dentist (My sister-in Laws Brother in-Law, so he gives us a break) and I had to get a tooth fixed (broke off a piece of tooth from an old filling) and get a cleaning and the kids both had to get a check-up and cleaning. Tyler is an old pro and doesn't mind going in by himself but he had company because Emily went in to watch and Grandma Mac Millan to supervise! Emily didn't mind getting in the chair when her turn came because she would get a goodie bag and a chance to go in the Treasure Chest and pick out a toy! The good news, no cavities and my tooth got fixed but the bill was still a lot despite the discount! Oh well, Curt can just work some more right? Poor Curt!
Saturday we went for a play date with Braxton and Nicky! My sister Penny's Grandpups. Braxton is Ashley's Yorkie and Nicky is Shaun's mutt. They had a great time Emily with Braxton and Tyler with Nicky (Pictures to come when Mike gets around to sending them!) I don't know who was more tuckered out the kids or the dogs! Then I got home to see Curt before he went to work (back to back trips to JFK and Newburgh, NY Saturday night and Sunday morning) and meet up with some old friends. We all used to work at Ri-Arm back when I first started. And needless to say we had a lot to talk about but we need to do it again! Thankfully we are all living relatively near each other so I look forward to doing it again!!!

P.S. Emily got two new dresses today thanks to Penny and Ashley and she, of course, had to try at least one of them right on! And did I tell you she like to pick out what clothes Curt is going to wear?

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